By accident, I discovered that Google Translate translates a date format of to mm/dd/yyyy. It’s unclear whether there is an established standard of using slashes for month-first dates and dots for day-first dates, but such a standard would eliminate great confusion. Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of date and time formats along with my preferences boldened.
1st of April, 2022
April 1, 2022
(mm/dd) 04/01
( 01.04
(mm/dd/yyyy) 04/01/2022
( 01.04.2022
(yyyy-mm-dd) 2022-04-01
8 am
08:00 am
8 o’clock
0800 hrs
8:30 am
a.m./p.m. or am/pm or AM/PM. Last one depending on the surrounding text.
(DDHHMMSSZmmmYY) 01080000AAPR22 (military date-time group) Wikipedia
In this website, I will use the following date formats for referencing -
year: YYYY-XX-XX, month: YYYY-MM-XX, day: YYYY-MM-DD.
X is the literal X. For examples, go back to ~/notes.